Sustainable Lives/Attainable Dreams

In the time it takes you to watch this video, Earth's population will grow by 4,700. Most of those people will be born in the developing countries. Meanwhile in the USA, we each consume enough resources to support 23 Third World people.

SUSTAINABLE LIVES/ATTAINABLE DREAMS takes you to three countries where people are struggling to put the brakes on rapid growth. It shows how Americans contribute to global environmental problems, and how we can help to solve them.

If you care about our planet's future, please put this video to work. Arrange showings to civic, environmental, campus/student associations, and other groups. Host a video viewing and discussion party for your friends and neighbors. Donate the tape to a local library to be part of a population/environmental display.
1994 · 30 minutes · color

Produced & Directed by Rawn Fulton
A Searchlight Films Production for the National Wildlife Federation
GMP Production * * * GMP Home * * * GMP Distribution
In Association with

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